About me

About me

Since 2004 I have been working as a freelance consultant covering a range of topics for a continuously growing network of clients. 
Before going freelance I was responsible for setting up and consolidating WWF’s global programme on forest landscape restoration. During that time I had the privilege to work with dedicated staff in countries as diverse as Vietnam, Madagascar, Malaysia or Morocco from numerous backgrounds and organisations.

I am also an external scientific collaborator with the University of Lausanne, an associate researcher with the University of Geneva, have served on the board of the Society for Ecological Restoration (SER) from 2020 to 2024, have been an office holder with the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) for several years, am leading a new task force on restoration within the World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA) and am on the board of a Swiss environmental foundation. 

Early on in my career, in 2005, I had the immense privilege of working with over 70 scientists and practitioners from around the globe on the publication of a major book on forest landscape restoration (see publications list) which I co-authored, co-edited and coordinated. It has since been translated into Chinese and continues to be widely used.
I hold a PhD in Geography from the University of Geneva. Prior to that, I obtained an MSc in Environmental Management from Wye College (now Imperial College) and an MSc in Cognitive Science from Warwick University.

I am perfectly bi-lingual in English and French, and am also fluent in Spanish. Swiss by birth, I am proud of my origins that can be traced back to Egypt and Armenia.