
Mansourian, S. and Parrotta, J. (2018). Forest
Landscape Restoration: Integrated approaches to support
effective implementation. Earthscan Forest Library, Routledge.
The aim of this book is to explore options to better integrate the diverse dimensions -
spatial, disciplinary, sectoral, and scientific - of implementing forest landscape restoration.
Landscape Restoration: Integrated approaches to support
effective implementation. Earthscan Forest Library, Routledge.
The aim of this book is to explore options to better integrate the diverse dimensions -
spatial, disciplinary, sectoral, and scientific - of implementing forest landscape restoration.

Mansourian, S., Vallauri, D. and N. Dudley (eds.) (2005) Forest Restoration in Landscapes: Beyond Planting Trees, Springer, New York, USA (available at:
"This book represents the collective body of knowledge and experience of WWF and
its many partners--which is collected here for the first time and which will be invaluable
to all of those working in the field. This guide will serve as a first stop for practitioners
and researchers in any organization or region and as a key reference on the subject.
Along with concise, practical information for a variety of specific systems and issues,
it gives many suggestions for further research."
"This book represents the collective body of knowledge and experience of WWF and
its many partners--which is collected here for the first time and which will be invaluable
to all of those working in the field. This guide will serve as a first stop for practitioners
and researchers in any organization or region and as a key reference on the subject.
Along with concise, practical information for a variety of specific systems and issues,
it gives many suggestions for further research."
Steger, U., Ionescu-Somers, A., Salzmann, O. and S. Mansourian (2009); Sustainability Partnerships: The Manager's Handbook, IMD, Palgrave Macmillan, NY, USA (available at:
"The authors used a comprehensive screening process to identify the key partnerships in
the areas of climate change, sustainable food, public health and human rights. Using
the findings of some 160+ interviews with experts in the field they explore the
latest thinking on sustainability partnerships. The result is an invaluable guide for
any manager embarking on involvement in a sustainability partnership be they
with a corporation, NGO or governmental institution."
"The authors used a comprehensive screening process to identify the key partnerships in
the areas of climate change, sustainable food, public health and human rights. Using
the findings of some 160+ interviews with experts in the field they explore the
latest thinking on sustainability partnerships. The result is an invaluable guide for
any manager embarking on involvement in a sustainability partnership be they
with a corporation, NGO or governmental institution."
Peer reviewed journal articles:
Mansourian, S., Djenontin, I., Elias, M., Oldekop, J.A., Afua Adutwumwaa Derkyi, M., Kull, C.A. and Pacheco, P. (2025) Situating the ‘human’ in forest landscape restoration. Frontiers in Environmental Management
Elias, F., Djenontin, I.N., Kamoto, J.F. and Mansourian, S., (2024). Accelerating forest landscape restoration monitoring in Africa: informing tangible actions from a practical perspective. Restoration Ecology, p.e14366. ·
Mansourian, S., Adams, W.M., Bouazza, K., Nunes Ferreira, J., Ganz, D.J., Hurd, J., Pagiola, S., Ramamonjisoa, B., Ratsifandrihamanana, N., Villalobos, R., Walters, G., and Kull, C. (2025). Reconciling global and local benefits of forest restoration: A shared interdisciplinary perspective. Forest Policy and Economics. ·
Mansourian, S. (2024). Let us not forget the human dimensions of ecosystem restoration. Oryx
Sabogal, C., Blaser, J. and Mansourian, S. (2024). A guiding framework for implementing forest landscape restoration in the tropics. International Forestry Review
Bolte, A., Mansourian, S., Madsen, P., Derkyi, M., Kleine, M. and Stanturf, J. (2023). Forest adaptation and restoration under global change. Annals of Forest Science, 80(1), p.7.
Mansourian, S. and Stephenson, P.J. (2023). Exploring challenges and lessons for monitoring Forest Landscape Restoration. Current Landscape Ecology Reports. 8(4), pp. 159-170.
Mansourian, S. and Vallauri, D. (2023). Categories of actors involved in tree planting by multinational corporations based in France, Switzerland and the UK. Sustainable Development. 31, 4, pp. 2929-2937.
Mansourian, S. and Vallauri, D. (2023) Unravelling the extent of tree planting by corporations. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management 30, 3, pp. 1514-1523.
Wiegant, D., Mansourian, S., Zeleke G. and Dewulf, A. (2023). Cross-Scale Challenges in Ethiopian Forest and Landscape Restoration. Environmental Science and Policy 142, pp.89-98
Bolte, A., Mansourian, S., Madsen, P., Derkyi, M., Kleine, M. and Stanturf, J. (2023). Forest adaptation and restoration under global change. Annals of Forest Science 80, 7.
Mansourian, S., Kleymann, H., Passardi, V., Winter, S., Derkyi, M., Diederichsen, A., Gabay, M., Pacheco, P., Vallauri, D. and Kull, C. (2022) Governments commit to forest restoration, but what does it take to restore forests? Environmental Conservation 49(4), pp.206-214.
Miller, D.C., Cheek, J.Z., Mansourian, S. and Wildburger, C., (2022). Forests, trees and the eradication of poverty. Forest Policy and Economics, 140, p.102753.
Elias, M., Kandel, M., Mansourian, S., Meinzen‐Dick, R., Crossland, M., Joshi, D., Kariuki, J., Lee, L.C., McElwee, P., Sen, A. and Sigman, E., (2022). Ten people‐centered rules for socially sustainable ecosystem restoration. Restoration Ecology, 30(4), p.e13574.
Mansourian, S. and Vallauri, D., (2021). Challenges in measuring multiple impacts hinder performance recognition in forest landscape restoration: experience from seven field projects. Restoration Ecology, p.e13504.
Mansourian, S., Berrahmouni, N., Blaser, J., Dudley, N., Maginnis, S., Mumba, M. and Vallauri, D., Reflecting on Twenty years of Forest Landscape Restoration (2021). Restoration Ecology, 29(7), p.e13441.
Mansourian, S. (2021). Disciplines, sectors, motivations and power relations in Forest Landscape Restoration. Ecological Restoration 39 (1&2): 16-26.
Mansourian, S. (2021). From landscape ecology to forest landscape restoration. Landscape Ecology, 36, pp.2443-2452.
Miller, D.C., Mansourian, S., Gabay, M., Hajjar, R., Jagger, P., Kamoto, J.F., Newton, P., Oldekop, J.A., Razafindratsima, O.H., Shyamsundar, P. and Sunderland, T., (2021). Forests, trees and poverty alleviation: Policy implications of current knowledge. Forest Policy and Economics, 131, p.102566.
Dawson, N., Coolsaet, B., Sterling, E., Loveridge, R., Nicole, D., Wongbusarakum, S., Sangha, K., ... Mansourian, S. and Rosado-May, F.J. (2021). The role of Indigenous peoples and local communities in effective and equitable conservation. Ecology and Society, 26(3).
Stanturf, J. and Mansourian, S. (2020). Forest Landscape Restoration: State of Play. Royal Society Open Science 7(12), p.201218.
Mansourian, S. and Vallauri, D., (2020). How to learn lessons from field experience in forest landscape restoration: A tentative framework. Environmental Management. 66(6), pp. 941-951.
Mansourian, S., Parrotta, J., Balaji, P., Bellwood-Howard, I., Bhasme, S., Bixler, R.P., Boedhihartono, A.K., et al., (2019) Putting the Pieces Together: Integration for Forest Landscape Restoration Implementation. Land Degradation and Development 31(4), pp. 419-429.
Mansourian, S. and Parrotta, J. (2019). From addressing symptoms to tackling the illness: Reversing forest loss and degradation. Environmental Science and Policy 101, pp. 262-265.
Mansourian, S. and Sgard, A. (2019). Diverse interpretations of governance and their relevance to forest landscape restoration. Land Use Policy 104, p.104011.
Mansourian, S., Walters, G. and Gonzales, E. (2019). Identifying governance problems and solutions for forest landscape restoration in protected area landscapes. Parks 25(1) , pp. 83-96.
Stanturf, J.A., Kleine, M., Mansourian, S., Parrotta, J., Madsen, P., Kant, P., Burns, J., Bolte. A. (2019). Implementing forest landscape restoration under the Bonn Challenge: A systematic approach. Annals of Forest Science.
Mansourian, S. (2018). In the eye of the beholder: Reconciling Interpretations of Forest Landscape Restoration. Land Degradation and Development 29(9), pp. 2888-2898.
Mansourian, S., Dudley N. and D. Vallauri (2017). Forest Landscape Restoration: Progress in the last decade and remaining challenges. Ecological Restoration 35, pp. 281-288.
Mansourian, S., (2017). Governance and Forest Landscape Restoration: A framework to support decision-making. Journal for Nature Conservation 37, pp. 21-30.
Mansourian, S., Stanturf, J., Derkyi, M. and V. Engel (2017). Forest Landscape Restoration: Increasing the positive impacts of forest restoration or simply the area under tree cover? Restoration Ecology 25, pp. 178–183.
Mansourian, S., Razafimahatratra, A., Ranjatson, P. and G. Rambeloarisoa (2016). Novel governance for forest landscape restoration in Fandriana-Marolambo, Madagascar. World Development Perspectives 3, pp. 28-31
Mansourian, S. (2016). Understanding the Relationship between Governance and Forest Landscape Restoration. Conservation and Society 14(3), pp. 267-278.
Mansourian, S., Aquino, L., Erdmann, T.K. and F. Pereira (2014). A Comparison of Governance Challenges in Forest Restoration in Paraguay’s Privately-Owned Forests and Madagascar’s Co-managed State Forests. Forests 5(4), pp. 763-783.
Mansourian, S. and D. Vallauri (2014). Restoring Forest Landscapes: important lessons learnt. Environmental Management. 53(2): 241-251.
Dudley, N., Mansourian, S., Stolton, S. and S. Suksuwan, (2010). Do protected areas contribute to poverty reduction? Biodiversity 11 (3&4) 2010.
Mansourian, S., Belokurov, A. and Stephenson, P.J. (2009); The Role Of Forest Protected Areas In Adaptation To Climate Change, Unasylva 6(231-232), pp. 63-69.
Dudley, N., Higgins-Zogib, L. and S. Mansourian (2009); The Links Between Protected Areas, Faiths and Sacred Natural Sites, Conservation Biology 23(3), pp. 568–577.
Book chapters:
Mansourian, S., Duchelle, A., Sabogal, C. and Vira, B. (2022). REDD+ Challenges and Lessons Learnt. In: Forests, Climate, Biodiversity and People: Assessing a Decade of REDD+ (ed. Parrotta, J., Mansourian, S., Wildburger, C. and Grima, N). Vienna: IUFRO.
Mansourian, S. (2020). Forest landscape restoration (FLR) of tropical forests. In: Blaser, J. and Hardcastle, P. (eds), Achieving sustainable management of tropical forests, Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing, Cambridge, UK
Mansourian, S. (2017). Governance and Restoration. In: Allison, SK; Murphy, SD (eds.) Routledge Handbook of Ecological and Environmental Restoration. London: Routledge.
Strassburg, B.N., Vira, B., Mahanty, S., Mansourian, S., Martin, A., Dawson, N.M., Gross-Camp, N., Latawiec, A. and L. Swainson (2012): "Social and economic considerations relevant to REDD+". In: Understanding Relationships between Biodiversity, Carbon, Forests and People: The Key to Achieving REDD+ Objectives. A global assessment report, edited by Parrotta, J, Wildburger, C. and Mansourian S. IUFRO, Vienna, Austria (available at:
Kapos, V., Kurz, W.A, Gardner T., Ferreira, J., Guariguata, M., Pin Koh, L., Mansourian, S., Parrotta, J.A., Sasaki, N. and C.B. Schmitt (2012) "Impacts of forest and land management on biodiversity and Carbon" In: Understanding Relationships between Biodiversity, Carbon, Forests and People: The Key to Achieving REDD+ Objectives. A global assessment report, edited by Parrotta, J, Wildburger, C. and Mansourian S. IUFRO, Vienna, Austria (available at:
Higgins-Zogib, L. Dudley, N., Mansourian, S. and S. Suksuwan (2010); “Safety Net: Protected Areas Contributing to Human Well-being”, In: Arguments for Protected Areas: Multiple benefits for Conservation and Use, edited by S. Stolton and N. Dudley, Earthscan, London, UK.
Higgins-Zogib, L., Dudley, N., Mallarach, J.-M., and S. Mansourian (2010); “Beyond Belief: Linking Faiths and Protected Areas to Support Biodiversity Conservation”, In: Arguments for Protected Areas: Multiple benefits for Conservation and Use, edited by S. Stolton and N. Dudley, London: Earthscan.
Schuyt, K., Mansourian, S., Roscher, B., and Rambeloarisoa, G. (2007); “Capturing the Economic Benefits from Restoring Natural Capital in Transformed Tropical Forests” In: Restoring Natural Capital : Science, Business, and Practice, edited by J. Aronson, S. Milton and J.N. Blignaut, Covelo: Island press.
Mansourian, S. (2005); “Overview of Forest Restoration Strategies and Terms” In: Forest Restoration in Landscapes: Beyond Planting Trees, edited by S. Mansourian, D. Vallauri and N. Dudley. New York: Springer.
Mansourian, S. and Dudley, N. (2005); “Challenges for Forest Landscape Restoration based on WWF’s Experience to Date” In: Forest Restoration in Landscapes: Beyond Planting Trees, edited by S. Mansourian, D. Vallauri and N. Dudley. New York: Springer.
Mansourian, S. (2005); “Practical Interventions that will Support Restoration in Broad Scale Conservation based on WWF Experiences” In: Forest Restoration in Landscapes: Beyond Planting Trees, edited by S. Mansourian, D. Vallauri and N. Dudley. New York: Springer.
Mansourian, S., Lamb., D. and Gilmour, D. (2005); “Overview of Technical Approaches to Restoring Tree Cover at the Site Level” In: Forest Restoration in Landscapes: Beyond Planting Trees, edited by S. Mansourian, D. Vallauri and N. Dudley. New York: Springer.
Mansourian, S., Aldrich, M. and Dudley, N. (2005); “A Way Forward: Working Together Towards a Vision for Restored Forest Landscapes” In: Forest Restoration in Landscapes: Beyond Planting Trees, edited by S. Mansourian, D. Vallauri and N. Dudley. New York: Springer. Dudley, N.,
Mansourian, S., Vallauri, D. (2005); “Forest Landscape Restoration in Context” In: Forest Restoration in Landscapes: Beyond Planting Trees, edited by S. Mansourian, D. Vallauri and N. Dudley. New York: Springer.
Dudley, N., Morrison, J. Aronson, J. and Mansourian, S. (2005); “Why Do We Need to Consider Restoration in a Landscape Context?” In: Forest Restoration in Landscapes: Beyond Planting Trees, Springer, edited by S. Mansourian, D. Vallauri and N. Dudley. New York: Springer.
Joseph, G. and Mansourian, S. (2005); “Restoring Landscapes for Traditional Cultural Values” In: Forest Restoration in Landscapes: Beyond Planting Trees, edited by S. Mansourian, D. Vallauri and N. Dudley. New York: Springer.
Major reports:
Mansourian, S., Derkyi, M., Djenontin, I., Elias, M., Pacheco, P., Oldekop, J., Diederichsen, A., Burns, J., Kleine, M., Vallauri, D., and Walder, B., (2024). Human Dimensions of Forest Landscape Restoration. Vienna: IUFRO.
Konijnendijk, C., Devkota, D., Mansourian, S. and Wildburger, C. (eds.), (2023). Forests and Trees for Human Health: Pathways, Impacts, Challenges and Response Options. A Global Assessment Report. Vienna: IUFRO World Series Volume 41, 232p.
Campese, J., Mansourian, S., Walters, G., Nuesiri, E., Hamzah, A., Brown, B., Kuzee, M. and Nakangu, B. (2022). Enhancing the integration of governance in forest landscape restoration opportunities assessments. Analysis and recommendations. Gland, Switzerland: IUCN
Mansourian S. and Vallauri D. (2022). Public Funding for Forest Landscape Restoration. Are donors well aligned with current challenges? WWF, Paris, 40 pages.
Parrotta, J., Mansourian, S., Wildburger, C., and Grima, N. (eds.), (2022). Forests, Climate, Biodiversity and People: Assessing a Decade of REDD+. IUFRO World Series Volume 40. Vienna. 164 p.
Mansourian, S. and Berrahmouni, N. (2021) Review of forest and landscape restoration in Africa Rome: FAO.
Mansourian S., Diederichsen A., Vallauri D. (2021). Twenty Years Later: Lessons learnt from seven forest landscape restoration initiatives worldwide. Paris: WWF France, FLR Field series, Experiences in Forest Landscape Restoration, 66 pages.
Miller, D. Mansourian, S. and Wildburger, C. (eds.), (2020). Forests, Trees and the Eradication of Poverty: Potential and Limitations. A Global Assessment Report. Vienna: IUFRO World Series Volume 39..
Mansourian, S., Fung, M., Lobinsiu, F.P. and Vallauri, D. (2020). Lessons Learnt from 12 Years Restoring the Orangutan’s Habitat: the Bukit Piton Forest Reserve in Malaysian state of Sabah. Paris: WWF France, WWF report, Field series, Experiences in Forest Landscape Restoration, 38 pages
Mansourian, S., González Mora, I.D., Palmas Tenorio, M.A., Spota Diericx, G. and Vallauri, D., (2020); Lessons Learnt from 15 Years of Integrated Watershed Management and Forest Restoration: the Copalita-Zimatán-Huatulco Landscape in Mexico. Paris: WWF France, WWF report, field series, Experiences in Forest Landscape Restoration, 44 pages
Stanturf J. A., Mansourian S., Darabant A., Kleine M., Kant P., Burns J., Agena A., et al., (2020). Forest Landscape Restoration Implementation: Lessons learned from selected landscapes in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Occasional Paper No. 33. IUFRO. Vienna, Austria. 63 p.
Mansourian, S., Sumbi, P., Bonifasi, E., Meshack, C., Malugu,I. and Vallauri, D. (2019). Lessons Learnt from 10 Years of Restoration of Coastal and Sub-montane Tropical Forests : The East Usambara Landscape (Tanzania). Paris: WWF France.
Mansourian, S., Doncheva, N., Valchev, K. and Vallauri, D., (2019). Lessons Learnt from 20 Years of Floodplain Forest Restoration: the Lower Danube Landscape. Paris: WWF France
Mansourian, S., Razafimahatratra, A. and Vallauri, D. (2018) Lessons Learnt from 13 Years of Restoration in a Moist Tropical Forest: The Fandriana-Marolambo Landscape in Madagascar. Paris: WWF France (available at:
Mansourian, S., Géraux, H., Do Khac, E. and Vallauri, D. (2018) Lessons Learnt from 17 Years of Restoration in New Caledonia’s Dry Tropical Forest. WWF France, Paris, France.
Stanturf, J., Mansourian, S. Kleine, M. (eds). (2017) Implementing Forest Landscape Restoration, A Practitioner‘s Guide. Vienna,: IUFRO .
Kleinshmit, D., Mansourian, S., Wildburger, C. and A. Purret (2016). Illegal Logging and Related Timber Trade – Dimensions, Drivers, Impacts and Responses A Global Scientific Rapid Response Assessment Report. Vienna: IUFRO.
Stanturf, J.A. , Kant, P., Barnekow Lillesø, J.-P., Mansourian, S., Kleine, M., Graudal, L. and Madsen, P (2015). Forest Landscape Restoration as a Key Component of Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation. Vienna: IUFRO.
Vira, B., Wildburger, C. and Mansourian, S. (2015); Forests, Trees and Landscapes for Food Security and Nutrition. A global assessment report, Vienna: IUFRO.
Parrotta, J, Wildburger, C. and Mansourian S. (2012); Understanding Relationships between Biodiversity, Carbon, Forests and People: The Key to Achieving REDD+ Objectives. A global assessment report, Vienna: IUFRO. (available at:
Stolton, S., Mansourian, S. and N. Dudley (2010); Valuing Protected Areas, Washington, DC: World Bank.
Dudley, N., Mansourian, S., Stolton, S. and Suksuwan, S. (2008); Safety Net: Protected Areas and Poverty Reduction, Gland: WWF International.
Mansourian, S., Higgins-Zogib, L., Dudley, N. and Stolton, S. (2008); "Poverty and Protected Areas" In: Protected Areas in Today's World: Their Values and Benefits for the Welfare of the Planet, CBD, Technical Series no. 36, Montreal: CBD (available at:
Mansourian, S. (2006); Joining the Dots: Species and Protected Areas. A Contribution to the Implementation of the CBD Programme of Work on Protected Areas, Vienna: WWF Global Species Programme.
Dudley, N., Higgins-Zogib, L., and Mansourian, S. (2005); Beyond Belief - Linking faiths and protected areas to support biodiversity conservation. A research report by WWF, Equilibrium and the Alliance of Religions and Conservation (ARC).
UNECE (drafted by Mansourian, S.). (2006 and 2010); Review of Strategies and Policies for Air Pollution Abatement, Geneva: UNECE.
Other reports and conference papers:
Mansourian, S., Rossi, M. and D. Vallauri (2013); Ancient Forests in the Northern Mediterranean: Neglected High Conservation Value Areas, Marseille: WWF France.
Mansourian, S. and Vallauri, D., (2012); Lessons Learnt from WWF's Worldwide Field Initiatives Aiming at Restoring Forest Landscapes, Marseille: WWF France.
Mansourian, S., (2012); Natural Resource Governance in North Africa: Challenges and Opportunities, Gland: IUCN.
Mansourian, S., (2012). Développement des modèles de gestion durable des forêts et des parcours. Barcelona: WWF Mediterranean programme.
Mansourian, S. and Dudley, N. (2008); Public Funds to Protected Areas, WWF International, Gland, Switzerland (available at:
Allnutt, T. Mansourian, S. and Erdmann, T. (2004); Setting preliminary biological and ecological restoration targets for the landscape of Fandriana-Marolambo in Madagascar's moist forest ecoregion, paper presented to WWF Annual Conference, 2004.
Mansourian, S. and Harrison, A. (2003); Forest Landscape Restoration: the Borders in the global context, Paper presented at conference on "Restoration Borders Woodland: The Vision and the Task ", Scotland.
Mansourian, S. and Sayer, J. (2003); Restauration Des Paysages Forestiers, paper presented at workshop on Forest Landscape Restoration in Morocco, May 2003.
Mansourian, S. (2003); “WWF: Partners in Restoration”, Arbor Vitae, May 2003.
Mansourian, S., Davison, G and Sayer, J. (2003); “Bringing Back the Forests: By Whom and For Whom?”, In: Sim, H.C., Appanah, S. and Durst, P.B. (eds) Bringing Back the Forests: Policies and Practices for Degraded Lands and Forests. Proceedings of an International Conference, 7-10 October 2002. FAO, Thailand.
Sayer, J., Kapos, V., Mansourian, S. and Maginnis, S. (2003); Forest Landscape Restoration: The role of forest restoration in achieving multifunctional landscapes, paper presented at World Forestry Congress,
Dudley, N. and Mansourian, S. (2003); Forest Landscape Restoration and WWF's Conservation Priorities, Internal WWF Discussion paper.
Ecott, T., Mansourian, S., and Dudley, N. (2002): FLR: Working Examples from 5 ecoregions, Doveton Press, UK.
Mansourian, S. (2002); WWF and Forest Landscape Restoration, paper presented at the conference "The Landscape Approach Learning from North to South?" led by the Environment and Development Network in Denmark.
Mansourian, S., (1996); Mediterranean: A sub-regional profile, Gland: WWF International.